Day 3 (6.13.17): Netanel From Sderot by Ben Muencz

Today I had the honor of meeting a 15 year old boy named Netanel from the city of Sderot, a popular target for Qassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip. Netanel is a leader in his community chairing a chapter of a Sderot youth organization and showing unusual responsibility for a 15 year old. At the age of 12 he experienced personally the Gaza-Israeli war. Scared, he had to learn where and how to hide from the rockets being fired from Gaza. He even experienced a rocket landing very close to his house. Luckily he only saw that one rocket and his city was prepared for the attacks. Today, things have been quiet and he claimed that the security is a lot better. There are more shelters and places to go if hit again. He is optimistic about the future and motivated to help his community by leading discussions about the Gaza border and about his city. Netanel and the fellow citizens of Sderot show pride and confidence in their city. Netanel feels that he is helping to keep his community strong and safe.