What will Israel look like in 70 years?
We have asked this question of all our speakers on this trip, and the question has elicited many different responses. Everyone we have interviewed has had a very different outlook for the future of the Jewish state. However, a point of agreement is that Israel must retain its Majority Jewish population to succeed as a Jewish state. Up until tonight we were tasked with understanding this and why it is so important to remain a Jewish state. Tonight we were asked to express our vision of this concept in the form of abstract art.
We have asked this question of all our speakers on this trip, and the question has elicited many different responses. Everyone we have interviewed has had a very different outlook for the future of the Jewish state. However, a point of agreement is that Israel must retain its Majority Jewish population to succeed as a Jewish state. Up until tonight we were tasked with understanding this and why it is so important to remain a Jewish state. Tonight we were asked to express our vision of this concept in the form of abstract art.
Our group was shown famous works of art by Hanoch Piven depicting famous figures made from household goods to spark our thinking. Then we were asked to create our own vision for Israel in the next 70 years using art supplies. We were not given a lot of guidelines so we were free to express our ideas how we wished. Many works were produced but the best were those of the great Amnon Ophir, These were at first meant to be funny but I saw there was some deeper meaning to us creating portraits of Amnon. I told the group that I think Amnon is a piece of the pie that will contribute to the success of Israel. I say this because he is educating teenagers such as myself to think in a way that will benefit the success of Israel in the next 70 years. I think American teens have so much influence around the world and we can use this to Israel’s advantage because of the experiences Amnon has provided us. I know Israel has a bright future and after just two days of this mission I know I have a role to play in the future of this beautiful nation we all call our homeland.