Today our icnext group went to the Kotel. This is a place where I feel very at home because I am a religious Jew and I feel very close to G-d. This was my third time at the Kotel and I got to experience something that was regular for me with friends who might not have gone there otherwise. Some members of our group said they probably wouldn’t have gone there on their own. I entered the Kotel and put on my tefilin and I prayed. While I was praying David and Galen were given tefilin by Chabad. They also put them on. Many of our group put notes in the wall, and for 2 people it was their first experience there.This experience was very meaningful for me because of its importance to my religion. Since all the icnext kids were dressed specially for this experience, we had to take a group picture before we left. That’s always fun and was a good ending to our time at the Kotel.