Day 5 (6.15.17): Machaneh Yehudah by Ben Muencz

Today we took a tour of Machane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem. This was not an ordinary tour but a tasting tour led by Assaf Boker, a former commander in an intelligence unit. He likes to introduce groups to al the complexity of Israel. All of the food we tasted had a specific meaning that intertwined with culture and information. First of course was falafel – the best in Israel according to Assaf. It was warm with a bold taste of chickpea and spices forming an amazing creation. This traditional middle eastern food, loved by many, is rated throughout the world, but this stand gave it it’s own twist. Next we had homemade fruit smoothies. Fruit grown from Israel is used to form fruit sprays and smoothies, using unique flavor and making an amazing taste. Known in Jerusalem as the best bakery, Marzipan, we took a step in to try chocolate rugelach. It was warm, fresh, and delicate. Every time you took a bite it was just so amazing. Next we made homemade pita. Each of us took turns making pita by stretching the dough out and putting it into the fire oven. It was warm and soft, and covered with zatar, representing Israeli culture. We had Georgian cheese stuffed bread, and it was warm and crispy, making our mouths water. Finally at the end, we were handed cookie ice cream sandwiches. It was homemade ice cream and cookies, giving it a sweet and homemade taste we all were looking for. This market exposed us to a wealth of culture and flavor. Food provides us with so much happiness that helps us celebrate all aspects of the Israeli culture.