Recently, we visited the Strauss-Elite Chocolate Factory near Nazareth, Israel. Included in this factory was the production of Elite Chocolate, Must Gum and baked goods (such as wafers called “wafellim”). Before entering the factory itself, we had to take a few steps. We all had to wear long pants, closed toe shoes, a lab type coat and a hair net they gave us. We then watched a short video on the production of chocolate beginning with the harvesting of cacao. After the video, we entered the factory building. We paired up and made two single file lines then proceeded to clean our hands using a quick anti bacterial machine. The room we then entered smelled distinctly sweet, unlike any other room I’ve ever been in. Continuing through the factory, there were a few different smells, each better than the last. We walked through the stages of gum production, chocolate packaging and eventually to the baked goods (which personally I think smelled the best). After the factory tour, we went to a tasting room complete with a seemingly endless supply of chocolate and candy. I think everyone ate more chocolate than they thought possible, and then we were gifted with a package of chocolate allowing us to eat even more chocolate. This experience gave us insight into Israeli production and was a good reminder that even though things today are so standardized, they’re all a product of humanity nonetheless.