After saying goodbye to my host family and taking a much needed nap on the bus, I was not really in the mood to tour a factory again. Fortunately, my dearest friend Rachel Podl got me hyped to begin our journey through Strauss. Going into the factory, all I knew was that this massive building somehow produced dairy products. Lucky for you guys, I payed attention! Our tour guide, Israel, welcomed us into the factory and began to tell us about the history of the delightful salad, coffee, chocolate milk, and ice cream they produce. You know the Sabra hummus we all enjoy? Strauss produces and ships that too! By now you’re all probably wondering why the hummus here in Israel is much better than America. Israel explained to us how the Canadian manufacturers don’t like the spices that Israelis do. The story of how the Strauss factory came to be is an amazing example of Zionism. In 1930 (while Hitler was in power), a young accountant named Michael, married his wife Hilda in Germany. He and Hilda moved to modern day Israel (before it was a state). Michael, a young entrepreneur, began to farm and ride his bike around his community selling dairy. However, the people weren’t quick to buy his dairy– as they preferred the powered milk they were used to. To try and make ends meet, Hilda tried a new tactic and began putting fresh fruit from the trees in her backyard into the yogurt. Word got around (by mouth of course) and people began to fall in love with her yogurt. The production rate grew and grew, and Hilda continued to refine her delicious treat into the products we know today. Strauss employees work 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. 300,000 liters of milk are imported everyday. Machines package, seal, clean, and check for hazardous objects within products. Thanks to my girl Hilda, icnext Cohort 4 got to sample many dairy products. We each sat down and a rotating track slowly brought milky, yogurt, and chocolate milk across the room. We could pick up and eat whatever we wanted! Lilly and I enjoyed milky, which is pudding with whipped cream on top, yogurt, and some chocolate milk. It was the best!