On Friday, our first full day with our friends from Beit Shean, Cohort 3 took a more hands-on approach to this year’s theme (water) – in The Kibbutzim Creek while wearing street clothes. Lost flip flops and sunglasses aside, it was a fun experience.
The Israelis and Americans mingled somewhat uncomfortably at first, but something about the water allowed the conversation and laughter to flow naturally. We held on to and supported each other through the water, the tunnels made of pipes, and over the rocks. That is why this year’s theme is so important; water brings people together in order to overcome obstacles (literally in this case). This can be examplified around August 2000, when all of Israel banded together to solve the water crisis. In this case, water served not only as a preserver of life, but a cause to unite lives as well. Today, there is a water surplus due to this unification.
Through water fights and numerous bug bites, a bond was made within our group. The sunlight glistened on my paper-white skin as the group subconsciously used the free time as a learning experience. The realization came over the group that people can connect regardless of language, birthplace, etc. A Tour of The Water showed us through an atypical process that sometimes an important endeavor can be one as simple as bonding.