Days 1 and 2 (6.14-15.15): Interviews at the Philly Airport by Hannah Borow

On this trip, We of course started programs before we even got to Israel! In the Philadelphia airport during our layover we asked a bunch of people questions about Israel and the water problems. My group took a interesting approach to this task. We interviewed three groups of people. We first interviewed an orthodox couple who were going home to Israel. They knew a lot about the water situation in Israel and had strong opinions on the subject. They told me that the only way to solve the problem would be to desalinate the water from the Mediterranean Sea and Dead Sea. This couple was very nice and wanted to know more about our trip and what we were doing. They were more than willing to help us and supported us in little ways like encouraging us to keep up with Israeli issues even after the program is over. The next group we interviewed were a son and father. The son was born in Israel but both of them now live in the states. They knew some information but not as much as the couple before. They knew that the main water source in Israel comes from the Kinneret, and that source is dependent on the rain. However they did not know about the problems with water or any ways to fix them. They did not seem to care much about the water issues, even though Israel was obviously a very important part of their lives. The last two people we interviewed were two workers at the airport. They were a little embarrassed that they did not know anything about Israel and wanted to learn more. One of them said they “worked” the Tel Aviv flight once and it was stressful and they had a lot to do. The other said that she knew about the food there and thinks it’s very good. Although these people did not know about Israel or the issues with water, they seemed interested and wanted to learn more about Israel and the world generally. Through interviewing these groups I learned that many people may appear to be interested and knowledgeable about a topic, but they are not. On the other hand there are people that do not know a lot about a topic, but they want to learn more and are open to new information.
