Days 6 and 7 (6.20-21.14): Hachaver Havirtual Sheli (my virtual friend) by Justin Bernstein

As a member of ICNEXT2, I am given an opportunity to view Israel as an insider and abandon my “tourist” outlook on the country – even though my bucket hat says otherwise. I accomplish this goal of connecting and engaging with Israel by living with the Dalal family in the city of Beit Shean. This year’s theme of family focuses on the different aspects that encompass an “Israeli” family. To me, family is not limited particularly to the people to whom I share blood, I also consider my close friends to be family as well. It seems like forever ago when Amnon had assigned Josh Podl and me our Israeli Pen Pal, Ron Dalal. At first I had known almost nothing about Ron, other than the fact that he lived in our sister city and looked so much bigger than me according to his Facebook pictures. But as April approached and we exchanged messages, Ron became so much more real.

Our Israeli counterparts had arrived in Cleveland in the beginning of April. We went shopping, played mini golf and learned together while in Cleveland, and ultimately Ron and I had the opportunity to bond with one another. Their departure from Cleveland was met with gloomy goodbyes and even a few tears, but knowing that we would see them only a couple months later made it all okay. Over the span of a week while Ron was in Cleveland, we became much more than just penpals, we became close friends. Up until it was time to depart to Israel I kept in touch with Ron via text, we talked about our plans together in Israel and many of our various inside jokes. My education from Gross Schechter Day School prepared me extremely well so I could interact with my Israeli friends in Hebrew and looking back I realize the importance of my Jewish education and continuation at the HS@Akiva school.

Although all of Amnon’s planned activities looked super fun on our itinerary, I knew that nothing would compare to hanging out in Beit Shean with Ron and Josh. I’m writing this now; our fourth day in Beit Shean and my predictions are still 100 percent accurate. I’m having an awesome time with Ron and his family is awesome and extremely kind and genuine. We’ve gone swimming in three different locations, went out for falafel, and have still managed to spend hours playing video games during our down time. All together I am having a blast and wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. I’m thankful to be spending my time in Israel with such amazing people, and my time in Beit Shean has totally made the seven hour seminars worth it.
