It was the best concert ever!
I remember Maya telling us before the concert that it would be nothing like a Cleveland concert because the venue is more of like a club with tables and a stage. After hearing this I felt a little better because I wasn’t prepared to be squished between 1,000 people in a confined space. When we arrived and before the concert started, I ate an Oreo cheesecake and talked with friends at my table. The lights suddenly went off and all the teen shinshinim got up and told us to follow them. At first, I was kind of uncertain about it, but I eventually was convinced to go down to the dance floor. It was the best decision I could’ve made. Slowly we made our way to the front and squished our way between a bunch of people. The shinshinim were ecstatic to be up front and some of them knew every song and every word. As the concert went on, I got more hype just because of the environment and I started to really like Israeli music. When Guy would talk in Hebrew in between songs I really appreciated the shinshinim translating what he was saying for me. By the end of the concert, they taught me some of the lyrics and I was singing all night. The environment was very different from what I am used to, and I enjoyed being able to take videos and pictures of the singer without having to push through people. Overall, it inspired me to want to listen to more Hebrew music because even though I don’t know the words it is still a great vibe!