Hadas’ Family Story by Rebecca McCann

Hadas Kalderon is an Israeli actress and playwright. She is the granddaughter of famous poet Abraham Sutzkever, who you may know as being the only Jew who testified at the Nuremburg trials. He was also a famous Yiddish poet and wrote a total of 7 books of poetry. He escaped the Vilna ghetto in 1943 and escaped to the forest and joined the partisans. He was later rescued by the Soviets because Stalin liked his poetry - especially the poem titled Kol Nidre, which is different from the prayer. He is also known for building a metal suitcase out of airplane wreckage and filling it with important papers from his ghetto, Vilna, such as the diary of Theodore Herzl, and drawings by both Marc Chagall and Alexander Bogen. These are all pieces that would have been destroyed otherwise. He came to Israel in 1947, and received a national award from Israel for saving the documents and his literature. Sutzkever died at age 97 in 2010, the same day as his granddaughter, Hadas, preformed the opening night of a play about his life. It was very interesting to learn about Hadas’ grandfather and how her goal is to share his story with everyone who is willing to listen. She does this through her acting career and the plays she produces.