The Story of the Altalena by Naomi Wuliger

Today we revisited Itamar Kramer, our tour guide from yesterday at the museum, on the beautiful beaches of Tel Aviv! With Romi, Asher, Yahav and Shiri as our amazing actors, we learned about the history of the famous Altalena and its contributions to Isreali history. With Yahav as Chaim,  we saw how his negotiations with Stalin and Hitler were strongly disliked by the Israeli  people, and he was murdered by an angry civilian. Additionally, we got to view the actual locations of parts of the internal Israeli conflict, which allowed our cohort to visualize what the revisionist movement was and how key events and people helped shape Israeli  history. Itamar even pointed out his concerns regarding the current political divide in Israel and how the Israeli civil war can be a historical event we look to avoid now. Even through learning about such a difficult topic, our group had such a blast watching the people of Tel Aviv bike around the city and swim in the ocean! We are so excited to come back to the beach tomorrow and embrace the Tel Aviv lifestyle over our last couple of days!