Final Reflection by Rebecca McCann

My icnext trip was amazing and I have a lot of good memories. Before the trip I was nervous because I was not very close to most of the other people in my Cohort who would be on the trip. That fear went away quickly as we started to joke around in the airport especially during the five hour layover in Boston. Once in Israel, after a long 24 hours of traveling, I was excited for my journey in Israel to begin. Some of my favorite parts from the trip were the house of color, my host family and their dog mocha, and going to the beach. Some of the most impactful parts of the trip were the hostage service where we got to listen to very beautiful music. Second was the Hostage Square where we got to meet the family members and friends and hear their story of the hostages. Lastly, helping out at a farm because they are struggling because there are only two people working the whole farm since after October 7th. Overall, I have learned so much from this trip. I am so excited to come back to Israel in the future and can’t believe this trip is already over!
