1. "Beyond Borders: The Visual Language of Street Art in Times of Crisis" (20-45 minutes lecture) - a personal story about a graffiti response during the October 7 war.
The lecture will include:
a. A peek into the creative process, uncovering the thoughts and decisions that shape the selection of subjects and messages in each mural: Who was chosen to be painted and why?
b. The inspiring stories behind the visual narrative.
c. The community response to the graffiti.
2. Graffiti Hands-On Workshop (30-90 minutes) – In this workshop, participants will engage in a hands-on graffiti experience, allowing them to process and express their thoughts and feelings, taking inspiration from the lecture. Elinoy will guide participants through the creative process, emphasizing individual expression and the power of collaborative art. There will be an emphasis on personal expression, creativity, and the exploration of different perspectives.
*Elinoy Kisslove - A Tel Aviv-based graffiti artist since 2011, Elinoy found her artistic voice by using the streets as a canvas for political expression. Her first foray into graffiti as a response to the complexities of Israeli daily life in 2011 ignited a commitment to using art as a powerful means of communication. The anonymity of street art, according to Elinoy, focuses attention on the message rather than the messenger. Despite the challenges of operating in the underground realm of illegal graffiti, Elinoy, the owner of "Grafitiyul," remains dedicated to spreading important messages through her extreme, thought-provoking works, often involving plays on words and a unique blend of techniques. Initiating a collective of artists in 2013, Elinoy has solidified her impact on the Israeli street art scene. Since the onset of the war in Israel on October 7th, 2023, Elinoy and her team have created over 20 murals around the country, each telling a unique story. In upcoming sessions, Elinoy will share her perspective and experiences, offering a firsthand account of the role of graffiti during challenging times. Elinoy has been involved in documentary movies about graffiti and street art in Israel. She gives tours and workshops which teach about the meaning of graffiti as a language, as a way to spread important messages, and to call attention to things people are unaware of.
As a teen, Pamela had the worst-diagnosed case of Tourettes in the country, a touch of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and a whole lot of pent-up anger. She spent years depressed, suicidal, and wishing her differences away. Over time, she started looking at her life differently and turned her obstacles and challenges into the very fuel that propels her.Now an internationally known disability and mental health advocate and professional stand-up comedian, Pamela’s stories of growing up in a body she had no control over are engaging, powerful, a little bit heart-wrenching, and unapologetically funny. Pamela will work with students on mental wellness issues.
Benji Davis is an educator, speaker, and researcher specializing in Israel education. The founding director of IMPACT Israel Education, he and his team are experts in developing Israel education content and providing seminars, courses, and tours for short- and long-term Israel educational travel programs. Benji is also a doctoral student in Education at the University of Haifa researching the pedagogy of Israel education in Jewish high schools. His recent article co-authored with Dr. Hanan Alexander, Israel Education: A Philosophical Analysis, is the featured piece of a special issue of the Journal of Jewish Education devoted to the philosophies of Israel education. Benji holds a BA in Middle East Studies & History (Summa Cum Laude & Phi Beta Kappa) from the George Washington University and an MA in Jewish Education from the Hebrew University. Originally from Los Angeles, Benji made Aliyah in 2009 and lives in Jerusalem with his wife Rachel and daughters Maia, Ella, and Lia.
Navigating the Noise: How to have clarity when there’s so much misinformation - We’re inundated with so much content, but yet, it seems so hard to have a grasp on the source of knowledge of facts. This session will help participants navigate the noise on all various forms of media to be able to develop their own sense of clarity on the situation.
Paradigm Shifts: Middle East, Israel, & the Jewish World - Everything changed on October 7th. We are experiencing paradigm shifts that will impact us for generations. This session will provide insights into the paradigm shifts happening in the Middle East, Israel, and the Jewish World happening right at this moment.
What’s Complex and what’s not Complex in this Current Conflict - People love to say, “the Conflict is complex”. Some use it as an excuse to get to a real understanding of the truth. While it’s true, there are certain elements that are and will always remain complex, but there are other aspects that are actually quite simple. This session will help participants differentiate between what is actually complex, and what is not, even when so many want to just use the excuse of complexity as a way to avoid moral clarity and taking a stance in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
The Who, What, Where, Why and When: How did we get here? - How did we get to where we are today? This session will be a geopolitical introduction to the situation.