Teen Civil Rights Journey To The South

@akiva is excited to bring 9th and 10th graders on the first Cleveland Teen Civil Rights Journey to the South

The Civil Rights Journey is one in which you will be educated, inspired and empowered. While traveling to Atlanta, Ga., Montgomery and Birmingham, Al., you will meet with Reverends who worked and strategized with Dr. Martin Luther King as well as people who participated in the historic March from Selma to Montgomery. These are primary sources. Each meeting will ensure that you understand that you can make a difference today. We will discuss Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s, and how our Passover story correlates so strongly with the Civil Rights story. By visiting the Equal Justice Initiative, we help you understand that Civil Rights is not an issue that only impacted specific people in the 1950s & 60s, but is an ongoing issue today - being fought for by a variety of groups that have not felt they had a voice in the world. In the end our hope is that you will become inspired to return home and get involved, realizing you have the power to make a difference.


Save The Date:


2024 Teen Civil Rights Journey To The South


Will Take Place on November 3-5, 2024

Registration Opens June 9, 2024